Wednesday, August 19, 2009

‘SatMaya’ Magic show By Fr Sunny John O.Carm.
In mark 16:15 Jesus told us to “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” Fr Sunny does this by using visual illustrations using sleight of hand, optical illusion, storytelling, and other visual arts.
Why do we use the various performing arts to teach and preach the “Good News?” Because a person will only retain a small percentage of what they hear, but if you give them visual illustrations along with the lesson, their retention factor increases greatly. Add to the illustration a mystery or surprise ending, and you lock in on their curiosity and they will long remember what you’ve taught.
A problem rises from the fact that certain words have two meanings. "Magic" has the meaning of witchcraft or sorcery, but the word also means sleight of hand and illusion, the surprising and fascinating modern entertainment medium. Obviously and certainly Fr Sunny is using magic as sleight of hand and illusion.
In fact in I Thessalonians 5:22 say, “avoid every form of evil" or "avoid every kind of evil." In dealing with right and wrong, one must always be careful of appearances, but it is not the appearance that makes something right or wrong. The emphasis on appearance is the essence of hypocrisy. If the issue were that Christians are to refrain from doing anything that looks like sin or could be misinterpreted by someone who does not know, then we would never be able to do anything with confidence. According to this thinking, Jesus was correctly rebuked for eating with publicans, for forgiving prostitutes and for touching lepers. Certainly, these actions confused many people, but the Son of God knew His mission and performed His ministry in spite of possible objections.
Some Christians are very superstitious and assume that anything they cannot themselves understand and explain must be supernatural. Hence they see negative effects as being produced by demons, and every positive event must be a miracle of God.
Knowing all these dispute issues Fr Sunny John was doing Magic since 1998 on the stages in many countries. He started learning and using this talents to explain the gospel when he was actively involved in the teen agers’ retreat called “Christeen” which is founded by Ms Marykutty in India and is well known internationally.
‘SatMaya’ is Fr Sunny’s troop name for magic and this name is formed with 7 letter word and ‘Sat’ is part of satchitananda which refers to the attributes of God who is completeness of truth ,Bliss and joy. ‘Maya’ is the Indian philosophical term for illusion. In the book of Ecclesiastes 1:2 says “Vanity of vanities! All things are vanity.” This is the meaning of Maya. Ina nutshell ‘satmaya’ means the hidden truth or truth in Vanity or vanity in truth.
Dealing with the nature of truth. At any given time, a presentation of truth only represents a portion of reality. For example, take a black and white photograph of a person that everyone claims is a very candid likeness, yet it deceives in certain ways. For one thing, the person is not black and white and gray; for another, he or she is more than two inches tall and is not flat. But the image abstracted by this photograph captures her or his expression and personality very honestly. It is an honest--though partial--representation of the truth. So there is an illusion in every assumed truth.
Matthew 13:34 indicates that in Jesus' teaching, He always used object lessons. Sleight of hand and illusion provide a way of presenting some very powerful spiritual messages in a visual way. When a dirty handkerchief--representing sin--is transformed into an egg, it makes a very striking illustration of the change God makes in a person's life when he trusts Christ. Magic tricks have power to gain and maintain attention.
In the New Testament the word magos is used to describe the magi of Matthew’s Gospel. The word magos is also used to describe those practicing sorcery and magic in the book of Acts. It is from the Greek language from which is derived our own English word .magic.. What do we mean by the word .magic.? Henry Hay3 defines magic as the .art or game .of entertaining by tempting a particular audience to accept, temporarily, minor infractions of natural law.. And he suggests that these are mainly accomplished by manipulating the interest and perceptions of the audience. Through the use of mechanical apparatus, sleight-of-hand, misdirection, (making the audience look .the other way!.) and psychological associations, the entertainer is able to draw the audience into a world of make-believe where the impossible appears to happen.
"Whatever you do, in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks [and honor and glory] through Him to God the Father." Colossians 3:17
Sharing God's Love Through MAGIC

Friday, August 14, 2009

my mission in Assumtion church

Bread of Life and Mission
My dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ,
I never get a chance to go again and say thanks with my whole heart to all the generous people of the parishes but I am glad today that I got a golden chance to come back to the same parish where I appealed last year for the mission. I know that it will be hard to hear the same person again.
Jack McArdle tells a story in ‘And that’s the Gospel Truth!’ There was an Italian family that had fallen on hard times, when their family business failed, and they lost everything. The neighbors were sympathetic, worked hard at fund-raising and after a certain time managed to get them sufficient money for a trip to America, where the family believed they could make their fortune. The family had never been far from home so they had no idea how to prepare for a long sea voyage by boat from Cobh to New York. They bought bread and cheese, and packed a few boxes with sandwiches. They gathered in a single cabin on the boat with no desire to mix with others in case of finding themselves embarrassed or out of their depth. On the first, second, third, fourth and fifth day they ate sandwiches. From then on the sandwiches began to go bad and began to smell. By now they were all in a bad way. They felt sick, hungry and deeply discouraged. With a day or two left before reaching New York, one little lad begged his dad for a few pennies so he could go on the deck and buy some sweets. The dad gave him a few pennies and off he went. He didn’t return and after an hour the father was forced to go up on deck and search for him. When he came up on the deck he was amazed to find rows and rows of tables surrounded by people eating a beautiful dinner. There in the midst of them was his son, with a plate of turkey, ham, potatoes, and vegetables in front of him, together with a large beaker of Coke. The father came up behind him and whispered, “Why did you do this? You know rightly we cannot afford this.” The young lad’s eyes lit up as he replied, “Dad, we could have had this every day. This is all included with the tickets!” my dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, We too often fail to appreciate and enjoy the heavenly food freely given to us by a loving God.
The Fathers of the Church explain that, while ordinary food is assimilated into man, the very opposite takes place in Holy Communion. Here man is assimilated into the Bread of Life. Let us remember that Holy Communion 1) increases our intimate union with Christ; 2) preserves, increases, and renews the sanctifying grace received at Baptism; 3) cleanses us from past sin and preserves us from future sins; 4) strengthens the theological virtue of charity, thus enabling us to be separated from our disordered attachments and to be rooted in Christ; and 5) unites us more deeply to the mystery of the Church.
Eucharist is a symbol of sharing. Mother Teresa says about her experience. She says “One night, a man came to our house to tell me that a Hindu family, a family of eight children, had not eaten anything for days.They had nothing to eat. I took enough rice for a meal and went to their house. I could see the hungry faces, the children with their bulging eyes. The sight could not have been more dramatic!The mother took the rice from my hands, divided it in half and went out. When she came back a little later, I asked her: “Where did you go? What did you do?”She answered, “They also are hungry.” “They” were the people next door, a Muslim family with the same number of children to feed and who did not have any food either.That mother was aware of the situation. She had the courage and the love to share her meager portion of rice with others. In spite of her circumstances, I think she felt very happy to share with her neighbors the little I had taken her.” Yes dear brothers and sisters this is mission sharing. And this is Eucharistic life.
U.S. Bishops wrote in “Celebrating to the Ends of the Earth” “All Catholic people are to be missionaries. All are to proclaim the Gospel. All are to bring the Good news to the world and be Good News for the world, irrespective of their level of education, social or economic status, race, or gender. Each one is the instrument of the Lord for the salvation of all. Whether called to lifelong service to far-distant peoples or not, all are to be called missionaries.”
We can never help anyone in this world when we are fully equipped or wealthy. God is asking to show our love towards others. By the fact we are helping the people who help the people we are becoming part of that universal mission of Christ. There are millions of people who have nothing to eat a day. Whatever you wanted to do for the people in the third world countries you need financial help, if you want to teach them you have to provide food clothing and transportation.
God is not asking us to be a mother Theresa but he is giving you and me a chance to do what we can do to help at least one family or a person to lead a life worthy of human being.
There is nothing big or nothing small in giving, even a small sacrifice you make today for the Missions in the world will prayerfully be remembered by someone who is in utter need of your help.
You know what we say about the word Mercy: My Eyes Recognize Christ in You. Yes, dear brothers and sisters by helping the Mission you are recognizing Christ in others and becoming an angel of God for someone.
Before the mass, someone told me ‘Father if you make it short we will make it up for you. If you preach less, we will give more. I take that wise advice. I thank most sincerely Bishop Dolan and your loving and caring Pastor Stephen,mr Garry Texter and all parishioners of Our Lady of the Assumption church for your love and support. As 2Corinthians 13:13 says “The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.” Amen.