Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pastor Dr Edward McGlynn

Pastor Dr. Edward McGlynn.
He was born in New York City September 27, 1837. His parents came from Donegal., Ireland in 1824. He ordained a priest March 24, 1860 in Rome and soon afterwards returned home to New York. He was first assigned to St Joseph’s Parish on Sixth Avenue. In January 1866, at the age of 29 he became the second pastor of St Stephen’s Parish. It was estimated at that time, that there were about 25000 to 28000 parishioners.
It was also during the pastorate of Father McGlynn that the present altars were constructed in the Church. The high Altar of pure statuary marble was erected under the supervision of Patrick Keeley a well known architect of the day at a cost of $30,000. It was completed in 1870.
Since it was obviously impossible for one parish to care for so many thousands of souls, early in 1867 Archbishop McClosky created a new Parish to the south, Parish of Epiphany. It was under Dr McGlynn that the extension of the church was completed. He also supervised the Church appointments- altars and decorations.
In January 1887, he withdrew from St Stephen’s because of a controversy with his bishop, and in January, 1895, was appointed pastor of St Mary’s Newburgh, NY. Five years later, on January 7, 1900, his funeral was held,- as was fitting,- from St Stephen’s , the scene of his greatest labors.

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