Thursday, February 22, 2007

Feast of Chair of St Peter Feb.22

Happy Feast day of the Chair of St Peter My dear brothers and sisters,
St. Peter was the prince of the apostles and the first pope. Jesus said to him, "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18). After Jesus went back to heaven, St. Peter preached the Gospel. He guided the small but growing Christian community. At first, Peter labored in Jerusalem and in Antioch, two big cities of the east. Later, he went to preach the Gospel in Rome, the capital of the world.What chance did Peter have to perform his great task for the Lord? His Master had been crucified but then had risen. Who would believe that? The evils of pagan Rome would drown his voice no matter how dedicated he may be. But the Holy Spirit was alive in Peter. He courageously took up the ministry Jesus had left him. Never again would Peter deny his Lord. Never again would Peter put his own personal well-being before the good of the Church.The feast of St. Peter's Chair at Rome reminds us that St. Peter started the Christian community in that city. The special chair is a symbol of the authority that was given to him by Jesus. Kings of old sat on thrones and ruled. Peter's chair is a symbol of his authority from Jesus to rule the Church.St. Peter was martyred for the faith, but down through the ages there has always been a bishop of Rome. He is the pope. The pope rules the whole Church, as St. Peter did, in Jesus' name. We call the successor of St. Peter the Holy Father.
What did the Lord mean when he said to Peter, “You are rock and upon this rock I will build my Church?” In the Gospel of Mathew there are three particular images of great importance to us concerning Peter - the naming of Peter as the rock on which Christ would build His Church, the giving of the keys, and the declaration of Apostles’ power to bind and unbind things on earth and in heaven.
When the Pope defines a doctrine ex cathedra, from the chair, he is asserting the magisterium of the church, the authority to speak without error about an important doctrine, a power believed to have been given by Jesus to Peter, the first Bishop of Rome and the first Pope, and authorized by Scripture.
The Pope is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth. A vicar is one who stands in the place of another and has his full authority. The Pope has jurisdiction over the whole Church in its beliefs, moral teachings and discipline. He "is the perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity both of the bishops and the whole company of the faithful" (Universal Catechism, N. 882). Justly it is written in the Psalm which we so often chant: Let them exalt him also in the congregation of the people, and praise him in the seat of the elders.
We thank God for giving us Leaders for our faith. We thank God for all the popes that served the church and pray for the good health in mind and body for the present Pope Benedict IV.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

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