Sunday, December 24, 2006

4th Sunday Advent on Abortion

God who is Love is close at hand to give us His Love
My dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ,
In today’s Gospel account we find two un-babies, each living their hidden lives in their mothers’ wombs, interacting with each other for the first time. Each one of us is fashioned by God in our mother’s womb and made to be in His own image and likeness.
We have many titles for Our Lady and one most important title is ‘Mother of God.’ Some people misunderstand the meaning of the title ‘Mother of God.’ When we describe Mary as the Mother of God we mean that Mary is the mother of the humanity of Jesus, that she is the one who gave Jesus a body. When we describe Mary as Mother of God we do not mean that she is the mother or source of the Trinity and we do not mean that Mary is the source of Jesus’ soul or that his divinity came from Mary. It is the same with every mother here. Every mother here gave a body to their child but that child’s soul came from God. But yet we say, “Hello, mother.” We do not say, “Hello, mother of my body.” In the same way we call Mary the mother of God. Elizabeth asks why she should be honored with a visit from the mother of her Lord.
We are still in search of the perfect gifts for our dearest ones to show our love and caring for them. However, nothing can substitute for our physical presence among those we love. There is something about being present that is a grace, a gift. A friend of mine once wrote that when he came to a family who had lost a beloved family member, he searched for words to sympathize with them but he could find none. Then he found that all he needed to do was just be present. Saint Therese of Lisieux says “Love alone matters. Love alone is everything.” Shortly after Mary received the good news, actually very scary news, from the angel that she was to bear a son, she gave that gift of presence to Elizabeth, her cousin. She set out on a long and dangerous journey to visit her cousin whose pregnancy was already far along. She gave the grace of her presence.
Let’s visualize the situation. Luke tells us that right after the angel's visit Mary made an impromptu trip to her cousin Elizabeth out in the back country. The trip took almost a week. The young woman was pregnant about ten days. But her cousin had not been told of her relative’s pregnancy. And after but ten days Mary was hardly "showing." Yet, Elizabeth impulsively shouts, "Blessed is the fruit of your womb. Why should I be honored with a visit from the mother of my Lord?"
It is also interesting that modern medical science has shown that by twenty five weeks the baby in the womb has the ability to hear like that of an adult and can discern the moods and attitudes of its mother. Elizabeth says: “At the moment of your greetings reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for Joy.”
Mary was hardly carrying a person-less embryo that would become a fetus and then a person. Rather, Elizabeth was inspired to realize that in the early days of her pregnancy her cousin was already carrying the person of the God-Man Jesus." Thus, John, himself already a person, salutes not merely a ten day old person-less embryo but another genuine person.
What is today's Gospel telling us through Elizabeth and her unborn son John? Yes, you are correct! Human life, "alive, sexed, and complete," is present in every mother's womb from the beginning of her pregnancy. Let us be clear, there is only one creator—God. By the act of conception what we humans are doing is co-operating with him. God is the author of all life; it is he who brings about this great mystery. We owe our whole lives to him, if he lapsed in his attention for us for one minute we would cease to be. So God is both the creator and the sustainer of all life. The gift of our life is an act of love on his part —that out of nothing and for no reason other than love he brought us into being.
From the moment of conception a fetus is a human being. Consciousness has nothing to do with the nature that makes one a person. A person can be knocked unconscious and still be a human being. When a person falls asleep he does not cease to be a human life?
And where there is growth there is life. The fact is that life is present from the moment of conception, scientific evidence proves that human life exists in the fetus from that point on.
Science has pinpointed that everything has been determined at fertilization by the baby's genetic code in the 46 human chromosomes! In 14 days the brain waves begin. At 20 days the entire nervous system has been laid down. At 43 days, we can actually measure the brain-waves of that child on an EEG to prove it is an individual thinking human being! In 2 ½ months the body is completely formed with fingers and fingerprints showing it is an individual. By the 9th and 13th week the little child perfectly formed little human being!
We are living in a culture, culture of Abortion: the culture of “get rid of all the inconvenience”. Ps. 127:3 “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward.” If someone can wait nine months this child would only become a blessing to them or someone else.
Development of science in fetology, a study of the fetus in 1970s with the development of the ultrasound imaging technology teaches us today that beyond question the unborn child is simply another human being another member of the human community indistinguishably in every way like any of us.
1n 1963 there were 100,000 illegal abortion annually took place in America that increased after the supreme court legislation law of Roe V Wade in January 22, 1973 to 750,000 legal abortion. Then in 1983 it went up to 1.5million abortions annually in America. This number is higher than all American deaths since the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I and 11, the Korean War, Vietnam, and Persian Gulf Wars combined.
The Roe V Wade law says that in the first six months that is in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy abortion could be done for no reason what so ever and in the 7-9 months period in the third Trimester abortion could be done in the interest of the Mothers Health. I do not understand what they mean by health. 4 to 5 minutes long 300 to 400 bucks cost abortion is killing a human being created in the image and likeness of God. While the head remains in mother, the abortionist stabs the back of the head with scissors and then opens them to enlarge the hole in the head. Suction is then applied and the baby's brains are sucked out. This causes the skull to collapse. Finally, the dead baby is removed from the mother. Remember more than 40 million souls of Unborn children were killed. Where is our Love and where our sense of reasoning is. Are we ready to welcome the Child Jesus or is he an inconvenience and nuisance to us, just one thing to be crushed out.
St Elizabeth saying to Mother Mary “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. …Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you be the Lord would be fulfilled.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

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