Transfiguration of Jesus
My Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ,
In the story of the “Temptations” last week, we were mindful of the full humanity of Jesus. In the story of the “Transfiguration” today, we are reminded of the full divinity of Jesus.
In today's Gospel, we see that "Jesus took Peter, John and James up to the mountain to pray." Mountains are often referred to in the Scriptures as scenes for close encounters between God and His people. Noah - Mt. Ararat; Abraham - Mt. Moriah; Moses- Mount Sinai. Transfiguration experience on Mt. Tabor. And if you know the Carmelites they are related to Mount Carmel.
If I ask you, “Why do we hear the account of the “Transfiguration” during the beginning of Lent?” As a preface for today's Mass puts it, "he revealed his glory to strengthen them for the scandal of the cross." Well, it is always easier to start a journey when we know clearly, where we are going.
It is the same trio, Peter, John and James, whom Jesus also took with him into the Garden of Gethsemane. Thus, they who beheld his glory on the mountain peak would witness his agony in the Garden.
Before Jesus was to enter Jerusalem for his passion and death, he took Peter, James and John up a mountain. The Father desired to strengthen them and to show them the end of the journey that they were about to start. The end was the resurrection-Jesus risen from the dead and glorified. The Transfiguration was a pre-figuration of the glory of the resurrection. In the midst of struggles, pain and suffering, they remembered what they saw on that mountain and it helped them not to give up, but to keep going. They remembered what they saw on that mountain.
There is a story about some dogs that were chasing a rabbit. The first dog actually saw the rabbit and he was not going to stop chasing that rabbit until he caught it. The other dogs followed the first dog who was chasing the rabbit because of the excitement that the first dog had generated. But none of the other dogs had ever actually seen the rabbit. As the chase continued, the dogs further back got tired and started to slow down and eventually stopped the chase. At the end – only the dog that had actually seen the rabbit was still after the rabbit and eventually caught it. You need to see Jesus if you want to follow Jesus.
It is the Holy Mass that makes the transfigured Jesus present to us, it is the holy Mass that makes the divinity of Jesus and His power present to us because the Mass makes the Humanity and Divinity of Jesus present, His body, blood, soul and divinity.
In the Transfiguration Jesus experienced an unconditional acceptance of His father' love and experience of deep love and hence, He was able to walk down from the “mount of Tabor of transfiguration to Golgotha , the mount of suffering. A person who has not experienced love at its deepest level will never have the strength to walk up to the mountain of Golgotha of hatred, oppression and intimidation.
You may have another question about transfiguration why Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus. Moses represents the Law and Elijah the Prophets. Moses went through many tests and trials as a young man before he was chosen by God to lead Israel when the Lord delivered them from slavery in Egypt. Their departure or Exodus through the Red Sea was an act of faith amidst threats and hardships. It was Moses who led them for 40 years through the desert to prepare God’s chosen people for the Promised Land.
Elijah is known as a heroic prophet confronting evil in Israel and calling people back to their purpose and destiny in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He had another journey, walking and fasting for 40 days to Mt. Sinai where he had an intimate experience with God which set the tone for the rest of his prophetic ministry until he was carried away by the fiery chariot.
Like Moses Jesus would lead his people out of slavery to sin and death on a journey to a new and everlasting promised land.
Like Elijah Jesus would heroically face evil and defeat it to lead all
men and women to repentance and new life.
In the Mountain experience, the only instructions to the disciples was to listen to Jesus. “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him”(Matthew 7.5)To Listen to Jesus.
Soren Kirkegaard in 1999 said, “It is a risk to preach, for as I stand up, whether the Church is packed or empty, whether I am always aware of it or not, I have one listener more than can be seen. God, whom I certainly cannot see, but who truly sees me. This listener pays close attention to whether what I am saying is true, whether it is true in me. God looks to see if my life truly expresses what I am saying.” Yes dear brothers and sisters in Christ “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him” during Lent we are asked again and again to Jesus and Him alone.
There was a meeting of the board of directors going on hell. Satan was concerned over the fact that business was not increasing. He wanted to reach as many people as possible and draw them into Hell. One demon jumped up and said:”I will go back to earth and convince the people that there is no Heaven.’
That won’t do,’ said Satan. We’ve tried it before and it doesn’t work.’
“I will convince them that there is no Hell’, offered a second demon.
No- that doesn’t work either’, said Satan.
A wise old veteran in the back of the room rose and said, “If you let me go back to earth, I can fill this place. I’ll just convince them that there is heaven and earth but no Hurray. You can do it tomorrow” They can do it later. All agreed to that suggestion.
Yes, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, if you want to make a change in your lives do it now. God has spoken similar words over us: You are my beloved son. You are my much-loved daughter. When did that happen? It took place at the moment of our baptism. When the waters flowed over us, as St. Paul says, we died with Christ and rose with him to a new life. St. Paul reminds us that by our baptism we have become citizens of heaven.
God does not ask about our ability or our inability, but our availability.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ,
In the story of the “Temptations” last week, we were mindful of the full humanity of Jesus. In the story of the “Transfiguration” today, we are reminded of the full divinity of Jesus.
In today's Gospel, we see that "Jesus took Peter, John and James up to the mountain to pray." Mountains are often referred to in the Scriptures as scenes for close encounters between God and His people. Noah - Mt. Ararat; Abraham - Mt. Moriah; Moses- Mount Sinai. Transfiguration experience on Mt. Tabor. And if you know the Carmelites they are related to Mount Carmel.
If I ask you, “Why do we hear the account of the “Transfiguration” during the beginning of Lent?” As a preface for today's Mass puts it, "he revealed his glory to strengthen them for the scandal of the cross." Well, it is always easier to start a journey when we know clearly, where we are going.
It is the same trio, Peter, John and James, whom Jesus also took with him into the Garden of Gethsemane. Thus, they who beheld his glory on the mountain peak would witness his agony in the Garden.
Before Jesus was to enter Jerusalem for his passion and death, he took Peter, James and John up a mountain. The Father desired to strengthen them and to show them the end of the journey that they were about to start. The end was the resurrection-Jesus risen from the dead and glorified. The Transfiguration was a pre-figuration of the glory of the resurrection. In the midst of struggles, pain and suffering, they remembered what they saw on that mountain and it helped them not to give up, but to keep going. They remembered what they saw on that mountain.
There is a story about some dogs that were chasing a rabbit. The first dog actually saw the rabbit and he was not going to stop chasing that rabbit until he caught it. The other dogs followed the first dog who was chasing the rabbit because of the excitement that the first dog had generated. But none of the other dogs had ever actually seen the rabbit. As the chase continued, the dogs further back got tired and started to slow down and eventually stopped the chase. At the end – only the dog that had actually seen the rabbit was still after the rabbit and eventually caught it. You need to see Jesus if you want to follow Jesus.
It is the Holy Mass that makes the transfigured Jesus present to us, it is the holy Mass that makes the divinity of Jesus and His power present to us because the Mass makes the Humanity and Divinity of Jesus present, His body, blood, soul and divinity.
In the Transfiguration Jesus experienced an unconditional acceptance of His father' love and experience of deep love and hence, He was able to walk down from the “mount of Tabor of transfiguration to Golgotha , the mount of suffering. A person who has not experienced love at its deepest level will never have the strength to walk up to the mountain of Golgotha of hatred, oppression and intimidation.
You may have another question about transfiguration why Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus. Moses represents the Law and Elijah the Prophets. Moses went through many tests and trials as a young man before he was chosen by God to lead Israel when the Lord delivered them from slavery in Egypt. Their departure or Exodus through the Red Sea was an act of faith amidst threats and hardships. It was Moses who led them for 40 years through the desert to prepare God’s chosen people for the Promised Land.
Elijah is known as a heroic prophet confronting evil in Israel and calling people back to their purpose and destiny in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He had another journey, walking and fasting for 40 days to Mt. Sinai where he had an intimate experience with God which set the tone for the rest of his prophetic ministry until he was carried away by the fiery chariot.
Like Moses Jesus would lead his people out of slavery to sin and death on a journey to a new and everlasting promised land.
Like Elijah Jesus would heroically face evil and defeat it to lead all
men and women to repentance and new life.
In the Mountain experience, the only instructions to the disciples was to listen to Jesus. “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him”(Matthew 7.5)To Listen to Jesus.
Soren Kirkegaard in 1999 said, “It is a risk to preach, for as I stand up, whether the Church is packed or empty, whether I am always aware of it or not, I have one listener more than can be seen. God, whom I certainly cannot see, but who truly sees me. This listener pays close attention to whether what I am saying is true, whether it is true in me. God looks to see if my life truly expresses what I am saying.” Yes dear brothers and sisters in Christ “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him” during Lent we are asked again and again to Jesus and Him alone.
There was a meeting of the board of directors going on hell. Satan was concerned over the fact that business was not increasing. He wanted to reach as many people as possible and draw them into Hell. One demon jumped up and said:”I will go back to earth and convince the people that there is no Heaven.’
That won’t do,’ said Satan. We’ve tried it before and it doesn’t work.’
“I will convince them that there is no Hell’, offered a second demon.
No- that doesn’t work either’, said Satan.
A wise old veteran in the back of the room rose and said, “If you let me go back to earth, I can fill this place. I’ll just convince them that there is heaven and earth but no Hurray. You can do it tomorrow” They can do it later. All agreed to that suggestion.
Yes, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, if you want to make a change in your lives do it now. God has spoken similar words over us: You are my beloved son. You are my much-loved daughter. When did that happen? It took place at the moment of our baptism. When the waters flowed over us, as St. Paul says, we died with Christ and rose with him to a new life. St. Paul reminds us that by our baptism we have become citizens of heaven.
God does not ask about our ability or our inability, but our availability.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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