Sunday, April 25, 2010

Anointing of the sick
Jesus claimed that he was the promised Messiah who was sent to preach the Good News and heal the sick. This was and is the mission of Jesus: to preach the Good News and to heal the sick. He invited all to come to him and be healed: “Come to me all you who labor and are burdened and I will refresh you.”
To receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick efficaciously we need faith. Jesus could not work many miracles in his home town of Nazareth because of their lack of faith. So we approach the sacrament with the faith of the centurion, “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and I shall be healed.” Every time we receive the body of Christ ask for that healing. There is difference in curing and healing. We are asking God to heal us. The illness need not be physical. It may be emotional or mental, or just the infirmities of old age, those “intimations of mortality” that become more frequent and much more impressive as we get older.
Will everyone who receives the Anointing be healed? Yes, if they receive it with the right disposition. But the healing will not necessarily be physical or instantaneous. It may be spiritual. God may give us the grace to recognize this illness as a gift, an opportunity to share in his own passion. It may help us to realize that it costs to be a lover, that the language of love is sacrifice. We really do not know what is best for us. This suffering may be necessary for my salvation, or for the salvation of others. So we leave it to the Lord, who gives us what he knows in his infinite wisdom to be best for us.
The great miracles are spiritual. The depression, anger and resentment are transformed into peace and joy. Like the apostles they leave rejoicing that they have been found worthy to suffer something for the name of Jesus.
No matter when you were hurt, remembering that today, yesterday and tomorrow are the same for Jesus, ask him to walk back in time with you to the day when you suffered a particular hurt or received the news of your illness. Close your eyes now and imagine Jesus by your side or in front of you…Make your way through the crowd to Jesus like the bleeding woman…In your imagination touch Jesus’ cloak wishing for his healing…(Mark 5:27-28) Feel the love of Jesus healing you….Hear Jesus say to you, “Your faith has restored you to health…”….(Mark 5:34) Or in your imagination see Jesus take you by the hand as he took Jairus’ daughter by hand and let Jesus help you up, “I tell you to get up”….(Mark 5:41) Jesus said about the girl, “She is not dead, only asleep.” (Mark 5:39) Hear Jesus say to you, “Your wound is not permanent, it is only temporary, I am healing you”…Let Jesus comfort you after the hurt you received….Let the love of Jesus replace all the damage and hurt and woundedness….Just as the Good Samaritan poured oil and wine on the wounds of the injured man on the road to Jericho (Luke 10:34), let Jesus pour his love on your wounds and replace your wounds with his love…Touch Jesus’ garments and let your bleeding, your suffering, dry up…Hear Jesus say to you, “You are not dead, only asleep. Get up”….Tell Jesus about your pain and hurt….Feel the love of Jesus replacing your wounds with his love, healing you and making you whole again.
Jesus cares about you more than anyone and does not want you to remain wounded and hurt. He wants you well and at peace to enjoy life.

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